2025 Spring Health Fair

NEW Cardiac Screening Tests–
Lipoprotein (a)– Lp(a) is one type of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Researchers have found that high levels of Lp(a) can put you at a higher risk of heart and blood vessel disease, even if your other cholesterol numbers are ok. $25
Apolipoprotein B– Apo B carries lipids in your blood. Most healthcare providers find this blood test more accurate than a lipid panel to estimate cardiovascular disease risk because Apo B only carries LDL, VLDL (the “Bad” Cholesterols) and each Apo B carries one “Bad” lipoprotein giving an accurate 1:1 ratio. $20
NMR Lipoprotein Panel– This test uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to measure Lipoprotein (HDL, LDL, VLDL) particle number and size in your blood for advanced cardiovascular risk assessment in one tube of blood. Elevated concentrations of small LDL particles and reduced levels of HDL particles are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. $65
Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 (PLAC)– This test measures the amount of Lp-PLA2 in the bloodstream. Lp-PLA2 is an enzyme that can assess the amount of inflammation in your arteries due to the build-up of cholesterol. Your medical provider can use the results from this test to better understand the health of your arteries and determine if you are actively growing plaque that is at risk for rupturing and developing a heart attack or stroke. $100
Additional Screenings Available
NEW: Creatine– used for energy in your body’s muscles and brain, but also increases strength, muscle mass, performance and reduces dehydration, muscle cramping, and injuries to the muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and nerves. In older adults, creatine helps with cognition, brain health, counteracts age related muscle and bone density decline. This test monitors creatine supplementation and deficiencies. $75
Active Women’s Panel– General Health Panel, A1C, TSH, Vit D, Iron Studies, CRP, Vitamin B12, Estrogens, Progesterone, DHEA-s and Testosterone (Free & Total) – 13 blood tests recommended for women to help assess their overall health and detect conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, anemia, hormone imbalances and liver or kidney disease. $150 Add – CTP $65; Add – JPP $65
Men’s Essential Health Panel– General Health Panel, A1C, TSH, Vit D, Iron Studies, CRP, Vitamin B12, PSA, uric acid, Testosterone (Free & Total) Estrogens, DHEA-s – 14 blood tests recommended for men to help assess their overall health and detect conditions such as diabetes, prostate cancer, gout, thyroid disorders, anemia, hormone imbalances and liver or kidney disease. $150 Add – CTP $65 Add – JPP $65
NEW: Mighty Muscle Panel: CMP, CBC, B12, Mg, Phos, CK, Vit D, Zinc and uric acid – 9 biomarkers that help uncover deficiencies and imbalances that can cause muscle cramps, pain and weakness. $60
General Health Panel: Includes Complete Blood Count (CBC) White and Red Blood Cell Count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Platelets, Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) Electrolytes, Glucose, Kidney & Liver functions, Protein and Calcium, Lipid Panel (Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL). $35
TSH– Thyroid Stimulating Hormone- Thyroid Screening. $25
PSA– Prostate Specific Antigen- Screening blood test used to check for prostate abnormalities. $25
A1C– Hemoglobin A1C- Screening blood test that reflects the average blood sugar levels for the past 3 months. $20
CRP– C-reactive protein- Screening inflammation marker that can help evaluate risk of cardiovascular disease, tissue injury, infections or inflammation. $25
Iron Studies- Screening for Iron levels in the body (Total Iron, TIBC, % Sat & Ferritin). $25
Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy- Screening for Vitamin D deficiency. $20
Vitamin B12/Folate- Screening for Vitamin B12/ Folic Acid deficiency or elevation. $40
Testosterone (Free and Total)- Screening test to evaluate testosterone hormone levels. $25
Help My Hormones Panel- Screening tests to evaluate Estrogens, FSH, LH, Testosterone (Free & Total), Progesterone and DHEA-s hormone levels. $150 – Add Prolactin for $25
Celiac Disease Reflex Cascade– Screening test for Celiac Disease. $80
Joint Pain Panel- Includes Anti-Nuclear Antibody, Rheumatoid Factor, CCP Ab, ASO, ESR, CRP and Uric Acid to screen for diseases that cause joint pain, inflammation and damage like Gout, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Auto-immune Diseases and osteoarthritis. $75
Complete Thyroid Panel– Includes all thyroid hormones: TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Total T3 and Total T4 and thyroid antibodies: TPO Ab and Thyroglobulin Ab for complete thyroid testing and auto-immune thyroid disease. $85
Allergy Food and Inhalants – Western Region Panel– Includes blood allergy tests for basic food and western region environmental allergens. (See specific list) $200
Common Adult Food Allergy (See specific list) $120
Region 11 Respiratory Panel (See specific list) $220