June 19, 2017 | AMMC News
Orthopaedics Gives Joints a Second Chance
Summertime in southwest Wyoming is a beautiful window of time sandwiched in between long stretches of cold and snow. Even before the last of the winter weather disappears, people are planning for the change. Long days of moderately warm temps and sunshine mean it’s time to dust off the mountain bikes and wipe the cobwebs from the hiking poles.
Summer Memories
For many of us, this time of year conjures up memories of summers past. As the years go by and free time comes at more of a premium, it only makes sense to make the most of these precious summer months. While we often consider time one of the most important factors, there is another critical component – our body. How our bodies function from day-to-day often determines how easy it is to make the most of each moment.
Natural Progressions
Through great blessing, most of us enter the world in a body that works the way we want or need it to. As a result, we give little thought to being able to bend and reach, twist or turn, or pick up an object. For most, these are natural motions, things that occur with a message received from the brain. All is normal until the moment when a bend becomes painful, a twist feels limited or an object seems heavier than usual. Subtle at first, the changes often grow more pronounced over time.
Changing Bodies
Discovering these changes can feel like you’re in possession of a body in rebellion, but often it’s just a response to years of small injuries or the burden of carrying extra weight. Age also brings natural wear and tear on the cartilage and synovium, the smooth tissues of the body, along with the loss of bone mass and a decrease in the synovial fluid that cushions the joint.
Mobility Reboot
While modern medicine cannot stall the natural aging process, through the specialty of orthopaedics it can give new life to joints. Orthopaedics can mend joints damaged by overuse, sports injury, trauma or genetic defects. Advances also mean joint replacement is now a simple inpatient or outpatient procedure.
Aspen Mountain Medical Center orthopaedic specialists such as Andreas M. Sauerbrey, M.D., specialize in hand, shoulder and elbow surgery as well as perform joint replacement and sports and trauma care. A former U.S. Freestyle Ski Team physician, Dr. Sauerbrey also offers extensive experience in Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP).
If you’re ready to get back in motion, contact Aspen Mountain Medical Center Orthopaedics services, at (307) 352-8900 or
At Aspen Mountain Medical Center, our mission is to be Southwest Wyoming’s number one choice for healthcare. Our 12 unique specialty offerings include anesthesiology, family medicine, gastroenterology, general surgery, and gynecology, internal medicine, orthopaedics, otolaryngology (ENT), pain management, pediatrics, podiatry and spine. Talk to your healthcare provider about scheduling a procedure at Aspen Mountain Medical Center, providing affordable and high-quality healthcare close to home.